Please Try Cyphr, our New Encrypted Messaging App!
TODO ?>At Golden Frog, our vision is for users to be able to use encryption to protect and defend their right to privacy. That is why we searched for an encrypted messaging solution for both internal company communication and communications with our friends and family. Our basic requirements were that the service could:
- Ensure that only you and your friend/co-worker can read your conversation – not the messaging provider, not your wireless provider and not 3rd parties
- Make encrypted communication as easy as possible
- Allow you to make informed choices about your level of privacy and security
- Allow extremely privacy conscious users and casual users to communicate with each other
- Work across multiple platforms including desktop and mobile devices
Unfortunately, the encrypted messaging apps we found:
- Were difficult to use and had a poor user experience
- Had privacy and security settings that often took a “take it or leave approach”
- Didn’t allow different sets of users to choose their own settings
- Made it difficult to determine who was behind the messaging company
- If we could understand who was behind the company, they often had little or no operating experience
- The messaging provider didn’t own and operate their messaging servers but instead relied on third parties to store the messages
So, we quit looking and we decided to build our own encrypted messaging app for ourselves and our users! We’re excited to invite you to try our brand new encrypted messaging app, Cyphr, available for free on Android and iOS! We are proud to add Cyphr to our growing suite of security and privacy tools that also includes VyprVPN.
Since we launched Cyphr in April 2014, we’ve received great feedback and reviews, but Cyphr is now better than ever and we know you’ll love it. Try the latest version of Cyphr today! If you already have a Golden Frog account, simply download Cyphr and use your Golden Frog email address and password to start messaging. If you do not have a Golden Frog account, you can still create a free Cyphr account by simply downloading the app.
Cyphr is a free, easy-to-use, and “zero-knowledge”, encrypted messaging app. “Zero-knowledge” means we cannot read, decrypt or share your messages. Cyphr generates a unique public and private key pair so only you and your friend can read your conversation – not us, not your wireless provider and not 3rd parties.
Unlike unencrypted messaging apps or traditional SMS/MMS messaging, Cyphr employs multiple layers of security to ensure your messages are private. With a combination of symmetric and public/private key encryption, Cyphr safely delivers your messages to the Golden Frog servers in Switzerland and then deletes any unnecessary metadata..
We want your feedback
Cyphr has been publicly available over the past few months and we look forward to making it even better with your help. Find bugs, vote on your favorite features, or talk to us at our new Golden Frog Forum.
These features are coming soon:
- Multi-device support
- Even bigger attachments
- Rotation of encryption keys
- Desktop apps
- Whatever else you want!
If you already have a Golden Frog account, simply download Cyphr and use your Golden Frog email address and password to start messaging. If you do not have a Golden Frog account, you can still create a free Cyphr account by downloading the app.
Be sure to follow Cyphr on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to get the latest news about updates and new features!