3 Reasons To Use VyprVPN’s Public Wi-Fi Protection Feature
TODO ?>[The content in this post was updated in November of 2020]
Have you tried VyprVPN’s Public Wi-Fi Protection feature yet? Here are three good reasons why you should.
- It’s automatic. You don’t have to remember to connect to VyprVPN every time you encounter a new public wi-fi network! VyprVPN will automatically recognize untrusted networks and do the work for you, so you can stay protected even when you’re not thinking about it.
- It’s quick and easy to enable. Simply enable the feature and configure your “trusted networks” list once, then you’re ready to go. VyprVPN will do the rest.
- It’s available on major VyprVPN platforms. Public Wi-Fi Protection is available VyprVPN for Android, Windows, iOS and Mac, so you can protect all your favorite mobile and desktop devices.
More About Public Wi-Fi Networks
Public Wi-Fi networks are notoriously risky, and oftentimes unsecured. These networks appear everywhere these days, from coffee shops to hotels to airports, so it’s more important than ever to protect your Internet connection whenever using public wi-fi.
More About Public Wi-Fi Protection
The feature ensures that VyprVPN connects every single time you connect to an unknown or untrusted wi-fi network, so you never have to worry about your privacy or security being compromised when using wi-fi. The feature is quick and easy to enable – simply turn the feature on and add your trusted networks (for example, your home wi-fi network that’s secured with a password you personally created), to your Trusted Wi-Fi Networks list. VyprVPN will then connect automatically any time you are using a network that isn’t on your “trusted” list, keeping your connection private and secure wherever you go. The best part? You don't even have to think about it!
Additional Resources
Have you visited our guides section yet? Our guides provide in-depth instructions for using a VPN in a variety of cases. We have several guides about the dangers of untrusted wi-fi and how to best protect yourself.