Golden Frog Submits Comments on Net Neutrality to the FCC, Calls for Open Access
TODO ?>The FCC comment period on net neutrality closes today, August 30, 2017. Golden Frog, in conjunction with our sister companies Data Foundry and GigaNews, filed an official reply to the FCC with our comments on the importance of preserving an open Internet, which involves protecting net neutrality. We also outlined our proposed solution for moving forward – which is Open Access. Our filing includes the following key points:
- The best solution is Open Access, or a return to fully open, interoperable basic networks and consumer choice in Internet access
- While telcos promise to increase investment in Internet infrastructure in return for reduced regulation (rollback of net neutrality guidelines), their past actions indicate they will break this promise
- Telcos’ denial of their past abuses in regards to complying with net neutrality regulations negate their recent promises, making them invalid
Thank you to everyone who submitted comments to the FCC and joined our efforts in fighting back. View Full Filing